Today's Web mapping phenomenon is impacting how consumers view information online. Map search has become one of the top online activities in the US and according to Neilsen NetRatings, “Online map usage has increased 60% world wide". This significantly elevated public awareness that maps can be useful and fun. This is mainly due to mapping application offered to online consumers by market leaders such as Yahoo, MSN, Google and many more.
The combinations of geographical information technology and open access to those systems for developers have paved the way for ordinary Web users to interact with mapping software. The key factor, which makes the mapping so interesting to online consumers, is that it engages the consumer and offers opportunity for interaction.
Consumer-directed applications of Web mapping will attract a lot of attention in the coming years. The demand for access to a variety of geo data and for Web mapping is rapidly increasing in all the industries especially in the real estate industries. HAR Map Search is a new mapping application for the Houston real estate market to meet the online consumer demand.
Map Search allows consumers to start their home search by selecting the areas they wish to live in, which could be by zip code, city, and county or address for proximity or nearby search.
Feature Highlights:
  • The proximity search displays listings listed within a one-mile diameter of a given address.
  • The consumer has an option to modify their search criteria or to narrow the number of listings to view.
  • The search results are overlaid on the map and each listing is represented with an icon or an option to view the listings in tabular format, which can be viewed by clicking on the "Listing View" tab.
  • From the List View the consumer can map only selected listing or they can use the “Compare Selected Listings” feature to get side-by-side comparisons.
With our Map Search we wish to offer the consumer an exciting experience while viewing REALTOR listed homes, providing click-thru opportunity for agents and broker Web sites and increase number of lead to our members.