77466 |
City: |
# of Households: |
299 |
Population: |
753 |
Persons per Household: |
3.14 |
County: |
Avg. Income per Household: |
$ 46,042 |
City Alias: |
MLS Statistics for
77466 |
Based on current MLS data |
Number of Active Listings |
1 |
Appraised Value(listing price) |
$275,000 |
Median Square Feet |
1,504 |
Average Bedroom |
0.0 |
Average Bathroom |
0.0 |
Median Year Built |
1973 |
Active Realtor® Listings in 77466 |
Property Type |
# of Listings |
Search Homes in 77466 |
1 |
View RES |
Note: Active listing include status active, option pending, pending continue to show |